Can Deer See Hunter Orange? Unveiling the Mystery

Father and Son Deer Hunters Wearing Orange Vests

While working in the hunting industry, I have heard many arguments for and against wearing hunter orange while out in the field. Some deer hunters swear by it, while others are convinced it makes them more visible to whitetails. The most common questions about this topic are tied to this concept: Can deer see hunter … Read more

Can Deer Smell Coffee?

Group of Does in the Edge of a Field

Through my employment position, I get to talk to deer hunters frequently and discuss all sorts of interesting topics. One topic that has come up several times is the question asking can deer smell coffee? I’m a diehard coffee drinker and am one of those deer hunters that carry a thermos of coffee into the … Read more

Tips For Deer Hunting The Moon Phases

Having been deer hunting for a few decades, I’m still amazed at some of the old-school deer hunting information that science and research have proven to be incorrect. For me, one such thing is how the moon phases can impact deer activity. My dad’s brothers (my uncles) introduced me to deer hunting, and one uncle … Read more